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Map Knowledge Training!

Time: 2024-07-10  Source:   Author: Iris Liu

Last Thursday, our company's map designers conducted a professional training session on map knowledge for us. The training focused on discussing common reasons maps get rejected during the review process, providing us with valuable insights and techniques.

During the training, we learned how to carefully review custom maps from clients to quickly identify and rectify potential issues. Key points of concern in map design, such as geographical accuracy, symbol consistency, and layout conformity, were emphasized. The systematic training deepened our understanding of the map design process and equipped us with the skills to make swift modifications to meet review standards.

This training not only enhanced our team's overall efficiency but also boosted our confidence and accuracy in communicating with clients. Now, when we receive custom maps, we can swiftly and accurately address potential issues, ensuring faster acquisition of national review numbers. This not only improves our workflow efficiency but also better meets client needs, accelerating our delivery process.

We are highly satisfied with the outcomes of this map knowledge training and believe that through continuous learning and practice, our team's capabilities in map design and review will continue to improve. In future projects, we will apply our newfound knowledge to provide even higher quality service and products to clients, thereby increasing our market share for the company.

For more our Map and Globe products, please view Thanks.

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